PUBLIC POSITION OF A TEACHER AS TRANSformation FACTOR of «I - teacher» self-image in the structure of teacher’s self-consciousness
The article highlights the results of psychological research qualification of civic position as the factor
of self-image «I - teacher» transformation in the structure of teachers’ self-awareness. The results of the
empirical study of the cognitive component of teachers’ professional pedagogical self-consciousness of people working in the front-line zone are presented.
Pedagogical self-consciousness is complex and specific in its structure, it is formed in two aspects:
internal - the formation of the self-image “I - teacher” and external - the formation of a teacher’s position under the influence of social environment. Teacher’s self-consciousness includes the recognition of the teacher’s professional role, rules, norms, requirements for this profession, and the assimilation of social expectations which is demonstrated by the community as a social space.
The article analyzes the features of an image of the “ideal teacher” based on understanding of schoolchildren and teachers living and working in the front-line zone. Transformations in the self-consciousness structure of teacher’s personality who has been working in front-line schools during the period of war actions are revealed. The authors state the changes in the understanding of the features in the image of “ideal teacher”, the raising level of personal anxiety, a sub-optimal motivational complex, uncertainty as a state of personality. It has been established that the social situation has affected the attitude of teachers towards their students and the attitude of teachers has changed in a life-threatening situation towards themselves, their families and their students.
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