Keywords: academic library, knowledge economy, enlightenment, digital content, education, access to information


The article analyses the situation of the progressive «uselessness» of the classic activities of academic libraries, which has so worsened now by the dominance of digital content, by more easy search and comfortable remote access to it and, in general, by successes and expanse of information sciences and technologies that supply the present knowledge economy. But the very unenviable situation of Ukrainian academic libraries is additionally burdened by two national factors. First of all, it is the persistent habit and the past \ Soviet experience that tempt librarian staff to prolongs to think of librarianship by outdated terms and concepts, and understand of his professional activity as fundamentally state-related. Second, it is the current military-political circumstances, when the state authorities put pressure on libraries – in fact, to restore former institutional functions of control and supervision. So, if Ukrainian academic libraries try to be all-round loyal – they risk being trapped in a subservient identity that always returns in new forms, but will be never replaced by another kind.

The alternative to this stupor is an unpleasant way in detour of the honoring the own glorious past to the realization that today Ukrainian academic libraries have to provide own effective politic – that is, to invent «non-traditional» forms of activity that prove their usefulness-suitability in the knowledge field, determined by the four base vectors: market, service, science-education and enlightenment. In order not to play only the sad role of unfunded buyers in a prestige market, they have to make a certain shift-return to the spirit of enlightenment and even use some «medieval» practices – by considering the actual educational needs. This means that for Ukrainian academic libraries the time has come partly to transform into functional, convenient and friendly places-environments where professionally verified and organized digital content is hand-made create, collected, prepare and being legalized.


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Author Biography

Michael Shilman , V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in philosophy, associate Professor

of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy named after Professor J. B. Schad

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Shilman , M. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL «DISSECTION» OF ACADEMIC LIBRARY: UKRAINIAN CONTEXT. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (70), 123-132.