Keywords: displaying, access, language, fetishism of meaning, analytical philosophy, philosophy, L. Wittgenstein


At first, one "naked and lonely" fact: nobody saw that philosophy was over. So, at least by induction, we can argue that philosophy never ends. This is regardless of the fact that throughout the history of philosophy, it is accompanied by announcements of the final conclusion, of the end, of philosophy death. From this point of view, Ludwig Wittgenstein does not seem to me to be a figure of the "past," a figure of the archive ― a figure of historical reconstruction. Moreover, the figure of "internal" conceptual deconstruction ― of an influential and respectful way/means of philosophical work ― analytical philosophy. Just the opposite. Ludwig Wittgenstein seems to be a figure of the future of philosophy, a figure of her pure authentic movement. Symbolic figure, but also, actual figure ― a figure of "never-not-complete" philosophy. A figure who signs not a word, spoken in philosophy. But which signs the point of “potential field voltage” of implementation philosophical displaying ― of not indicating things, but of registering traces of truth in individual states, to the limit brought... It is important to understand that this article is not about the philosophical tradition of analytical philosophy. And not about the philosopher himself, about the philosophy of L. Wittgenstein ― in terms of chronology, doxography, the "history of ideas" or theoretical reconstruction in the context ― one or another ― of the "philosophical present", or even, not about "universal with a signature." In this article, in fact, an attempt is opened to show, that analytical philosophy, as a definite way of acting to realize the event of thinking ― all analytical philosophy, as an attempt, as a beginning, as a movement, as a matter, as an activity, ― is phenomenal "natura naturans." It is such as a "topos of reproduction of thinking" in a purely ontological sense. In exchange with it (topos), in fact, Ludwig Wittgenstein, also, unique and one and only here, again, in a completely ontological sense, "demonstrates," that is, it is the actual, "living," perhaps irreplaceable "key" to the problem of limb, access, philosophical content and act. Perhaps having access is it correctly to put an access problem? Therefore, speaking with the help of Maître himself, philosophy is a work and luck to choose the right examples.


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How to Cite
Minakov , I. (2021). BACK TO THE FUTURE: FROM ANALYTICAL PHILOSOPHY TO WITTGENSTEIN ABSTRACT. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (65), 63-73.