The rapid development of the modern world multiplies the debate on ethical issues. Since the twentieth century, disputes over the choice between ethical “universalism” and “situational” ethics have been active. Thus, practical philosophy is one area that needs serious theoretical work to solve its problems. In this regard, it becomes necessary to combine ethical research with other philosophical directions (including hermeneutics). However, today it is also necessary to look for theoretical and methodological models within which traditional hermeneutics would find a reliable theoretical foundation. This is necessary because traditional hermeneutics must sustain the pace of modern scientific development and at the same time maintain its own disciplinary specificity. This requirement is fully met the theory of K.-O. Apel. In difficult modern historical conditions, the discursive ethics of K.-O. Apel is unique and effective due to the fact that it provides universal ethical guidelines based on reasonable principles of mutual understanding and dialogue. In the course of our research, it was shown that the philosophical development of discursive problematics in Germany mainly takes the form of a “hermeneutic-linguistic” study of cognitive processes. Therefore, the presence of elements of hermeneutical knowledge in the framework of the K.-O. Apel’s philosophy is an objective fact. We also found out that transcendental pragmatics is called upon to resolve the issue of the normative structure of discourse, that is, the underlying principles of the functioning of a common communicative-language field. We found that inside his own theory, K-O. Apel skillfully combines various theoretical and methodological approaches. We also showed that discursive ethics, based on the principles of transcendental pragmatics, incorporates certain hermeneutic “elements”. We found out that K.-O. Apel defines his own approach as “transcendental-hermeneutic” and retains a place for interpretative practice at two “levels” of the communicative act. The analysis showed that the interpretation is present in the language interaction, firstly, as the perception and evaluation of the addressee’s “communicative position” of the utterance (we are talking about taking into account the possible communicative competencies of the interlocutor). Secondly, the interpretation is “built-in” in the process of obtaining and “deciphering” the interlocutor’s linguistic expression (meaning the consideration of possible communicative competencies of the interlocutor and an assessment of the context of the utterance). At the same time, we found that, in the opinion of K.-O. Apel, the need for this “transcendental-pragmatic” interpretative work is due to the game (or “transcendental-game”) nature of language interaction. That is, this interaction requires from the subjects of communication active and creative appeal to the context in which this communication takes place.
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Апель К.-О. Лингвистическое значение и интенционапьность: соотношение априорности языка и априорности сознания в свете трансцендентальной семиотики или лингвистической прагматики / пер. с англ. В. А. Суровцева. Язык, истина, существование: сборник работ / Сост. В. А. Суровцев. Томск: Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2002. С. 204–224. (Библиотека аналитической философии).
Апель К.-О. Обґрунтування етики відповідальності / пер. з нім. Л. Ситниченко. Ситниченко Л. Першоджерела комунікативної філософії: зб. праць. К.: Либідь, 1996. С. 46–60.
Апель К.-О. Трансформация философии / пер. с нем. В. Куренного, Б. Скуратова. М.: Логос, 2001. 339 с.
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Хабермас Ю. Моральное сознание и коммуникативное действие / пер. с нем. под ред. Д. В. Скляднева. СПб.: Наука, 2000. 380 с. (Слово о сущем).
Albert H. Kritik des transzendentalen Denkens. Von der Begründung des Wissens zur Analyse der Erkenntnispraxis. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003. 202 s.
Apel K.-O. A Planetary Macroethics for Humankind: The Need, the Apparent Difficulty, and the Eventual Possibility. Deutsch E. (Ed.). Culture and Modernity: East-West-Philosophical Perspectives. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991. pp. 261–278.
Apel K.-O. Das sokratische Gespräch und die gegenwärtige Transformation der Philosophie. Krohn D. (Hrsg.). Das Sokratische Gespräch. Hamburg, 1989. S. 55–78.
Apel K.-O. Diskurs und Verantwortung. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlsg, 1988. 488 s.
Apel K.-O. Ist die Ethik der idealen Kommunikationsgemeinschaft eine Utopie? Voßkamp W. (Hrsg.). Utopieforschung. Stuttgart, 1983. Bd. 1. S. 325–355.
Apel K.-O. Kann es in der Gegenwart ein postmetaphysisches Paradigama der Ersten Philosophie geben? Keil G., Schnädelbach H. (Hrsg.). Philosophie der Gegenwart, Gegenwart der Philosophie. Hamburg: Junius Verlag, 1999. S. 41–71.
Austin J. L. How to do Things with Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1962. 168 р.
Böhler D. Rekonstruktive Pragmatik: Von der Bewußtseinsphilosophie zur Kommunikationsreflexion: Neubegründung der praktischen Wissenschaften und Philosophie. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1985. 484 s.
Gottschalk-Mazouz N. Diskursethik: Theorien, Entwicklungen, Perspektiven. Berlin: De Gruyter Akademie Forschung, 2000. 304 s.
Gronke H. Apel versus Habermas: Zur Architektonik der Diskursethik. Dorschel A. (Hrsg.). Transzendentalpragmatik. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1993. S. 273–296.
Hösle V. Die Krise der Gegenwart und die Verantwortung der Philosophie: Transzendentalpragmatik, Letztbegründung, Ethik. München: Beck C. H, 1997. 287 s.
Jonas H. Dem bosen Ende naher. Gesprache uber das Verhaltnis des Menschen zur Natur. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1993. 103 s.
Jonas H. Fatalismus wäre Todsünde: Gespräche über Ethik und Mitverantwortung im dritten Jahrtausend. (D. Böhler, Hrsg.). Münster: Lit Verlag, 2005. 224 s.
Kohlberg L. From Is to Ought: How to Commit the Naturalistic Fallacy and Get Away with it in the Study of Moral Development. Т. Mischel (Еd.). Cognitive Development and Psychology. New York: Academic Press, 1971. pp. 151–235.
Kuhlmann W. Beiträge zur Diskursethik: Studien zur Transzendentalpragmatik. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2007. 179 s.
Mendieta E. The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy: Karl-Otto Apel’s Semiotics and Discourse Ethics. Boston: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002. 250 p. (New Critical Theory).
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