Latent responsive sentences in modern English
latent responsive, responsive sentence, aim of communication, dialogic speech, linguistic and extralinguistic factors
The article deals with the research of latent responsive sentences on the basis of the modern English language. Special attention is given to the semantic, structural and functional peculiarities of the syntactic units under research. The main types of the latent responsive sentences are described. Definitions for the terms “responsive sentence” and “responsive” are suggested. The linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing latent responsive sentences in the dialogic speech are considered. Special attention is paid to the sphere of functioning of the given syntactic units.
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4. Alger Horatio. Ragged Dick or Street life in New York with the Boot-Blacks / Horatio Alger. – New York : Signet classic, 1990. – 186 p.
5. Arthur Hailey. – Electronic resource. – Access:
6. Fries. Ch.C. The Structure of English: An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences / Ch. C. Fries. – London : Longmans, G-reen and Co., 1957. – 304 p.
7. Functional approaches to language culture and cognition / edited by David G. Lockwood, Peter H. Fries, James E. Copeland. – Michigan state university : John Benjamins B.V., 2000. – 656 p.
8. Jonathan Mantle. – Electronic resource. – Access:
9. Jones Bob Morris. The Welsh answering system / Bob Morris Jones. – Berlin : Rotaprint Druck Werner Hidebrand, 1999. – 360 p.
10. Oxford dictionary. – Электронный ресурс. – Режим доступа:
2. Меньшиков И.И. Латентный респонсив в современном русском языке / И.И. Меньшиков // Філологічні науки. Збірник наукових праць викладачів факультету/ Упорядник: О. І. Панченко. – Дніпропетровськ : Літограф, 2010. –С. 54–56.
3. Меньшиков И. И. Типология респонсивных предложений в современном русском языке / И. И. Меньшиков // Избранные труды по лингвистике. – Днепропетровск : Новая идеология, 2012. – С. 85–100.
4. Alger Horatio. Ragged Dick or Street life in New York with the Boot-Blacks / Horatio Alger. – New York : Signet classic, 1990. – 186 p.
5. Arthur Hailey. – Electronic resource. – Access:
6. Fries. Ch.C. The Structure of English: An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences / Ch. C. Fries. – London : Longmans, G-reen and Co., 1957. – 304 p.
7. Functional approaches to language culture and cognition / edited by David G. Lockwood, Peter H. Fries, James E. Copeland. – Michigan state university : John Benjamins B.V., 2000. – 656 p.
8. Jonathan Mantle. – Electronic resource. – Access:
9. Jones Bob Morris. The Welsh answering system / Bob Morris Jones. – Berlin : Rotaprint Druck Werner Hidebrand, 1999. – 360 p.
10. Oxford dictionary. – Электронный ресурс. – Режим доступа:
How to Cite
Суима, И. П. (1). Latent responsive sentences in modern English. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (73), 80-82. Retrieved from
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