Received Pronunciation as socio-linguistic and historical category
standard, dialect, regional standard, British national pronouncing standard RP, language group, social class
In this article the author defines standard as a linguistic, historical and social category, characterized by dynamism and stability. The article proves that by a person’s speech one can form an opinion as to where this person is from and which social class he (she) belongs to. It is shown that language situation in the UK is characterized by diglossia, under which there is a functional differentiation of different pronunciation types. The way basic communicative functions of RP (Received pronunciation) are distributed is pointed out.
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5. Crystal D. The English Language / D. Crystal. – London : Penguin Books, 1990. – 288 p.
6. Gimson A. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English / A. Gimson. – New York : Hodder Arnold, 1989. – 364 p.
7. Hannah J., Trudgill P. International English. A guide to varieties of Standard English / J. Hannah, P. Trudgill. London : Arnold, 1994. – 156 p.
8. Hughes A., Trudgill P. English accents and dialects: An introduction to social and regional variants of BE / A. Hughes, P. Trudgill. London : Arnold, 1996. 142 p.
9. Trudgill P. Introducing language and society / P. Trudgill. – London : Penguin Books, 1992. – 79 p.
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2. Козырева М., Кулешов В. Вариативность британского произносительного стандарта и обучение фонетике / М. озырева, В. Кулешов // Вестник МГУ. Серия 9. Филология, 1989. № 1. С. 32-40.
3. Скуланова Г. М., Шевченко Т. И. Диалект, акцент, просодия / Г. М. Скуланова, Т. И. Шевченко. – М., 1999. – 47 с.
4. Шевченко Т. И. Социальная дифференциация английского произношения / Т. И. Шевченко. – М. : Высшая Школа, 1990. – 144 с.
5. Crystal D. The English Language / D. Crystal. – London : Penguin Books, 1990. – 288 p.
6. Gimson A. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English / A. Gimson. – New York : Hodder Arnold, 1989. – 364 p.
7. Hannah J., Trudgill P. International English. A guide to varieties of Standard English / J. Hannah, P. Trudgill. London : Arnold, 1994. – 156 p.
8. Hughes A., Trudgill P. English accents and dialects: An introduction to social and regional variants of BE / A. Hughes, P. Trudgill. London : Arnold, 1996. 142 p.
9. Trudgill P. Introducing language and society / P. Trudgill. – London : Penguin Books, 1992. – 79 p.
10. Wells J. Accents of English / J. Wells. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1982. Vol. 2: The British Isles. – 465 p.
How to Cite
Жук, В. А. (1). Received Pronunciation as socio-linguistic and historical category. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (73), 13-15. Retrieved from
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