The problem of liberty of the knyaz and his family in the historical novels by Pavlo Zahrebelnyi: the sociocultural context of a medieval city

  • Таїса Вікторівна Літвинчук Інститут філології Київського національного університету імені Т. Шевченка
Keywords: medievalcity, knyaz, sociocultural context, historical novel, liberty, P. Zagrebelny


The article is devoted to the problem of authorial interpretation of liberty of the knyaz and his family in the historical novels by Pavlo Zahrebelnyi as a means to represent the sociocultural context of a medieval city. The study of this issue is made in two integral directions: determining the influence of sociohistorical canon which is contemporary to the novelist on the author’s conscience, his own perception of the sociocultural component of an Old Russian city etc., and tracing the means and degree of representation of medieval traditions in urbane society by Pavlo Zahrebelnyi. Based on Georges Dumezil’s classification of Christian European society, the article ascertains the idiosyncrasies of coexistence of a governor and his closest family environment in the historical novels by Pavlo Zahrebelnyi with other social categories that form the triad of the society – clergy, court noblemen and prince’s armed force, people of labour, – in the light of solving the problem of existence of liberty. In the same aspect the article focuses on a problem of existence of knyaz’s internal liberty and principles of its correlation with the outer world.


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Author Biography

Таїса Вікторівна Літвинчук, Інститут філології Київського національного університету імені Т. Шевченка

аспірант кафедри історії української літератури, теорії літератури і літературної творчості


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How to Cite
Літвинчук, Т. В. (2018). The problem of liberty of the knyaz and his family in the historical novels by Pavlo Zahrebelnyi: the sociocultural context of a medieval city. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (78). Retrieved from
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