Concept of freedom in the poetic code of Klymentiy Zinoviiv

  • Ігор Ісіченко Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: Klymentiy Zinoviiv, baroque, freedom, poetic code.


The article deals with verse 38 “On the people going to the free settlements (slobody)” from the handwritten collection of the Ukrainian baroque poet Klymentiy Zinoviiv (end of the 17th - the beginning of the 18th century). Panteleimon Kulish, Ivan Franko, Vladimir Peretz, Viktoriya Kolosova and others was engaged in the research of creativity Klymentiy Zinoviiv`s literary works. Michael Wozniak and Bohdan Chris pay attention to poem 38 as evidence of the ideological weakness of the poet. In this poem, the pioneers of the colonization of the eastern Ukrainian steppes, “Wild Fields”, which gradually turned into “Slobozhanshchinа”, were condemned. Klymentiy Zinoviiv is playing the Ukrainian name of settlements in the Wild Polis, exempt from taxes and other privileges: “sloboda”, which corresponds to the spatial synonym of the word “svoboda” (“freedom”). The author`s original interpretation of the concept of “freedom” is regarded as an important detail of his poetic code, an element of an antinomy discursive strategy. For Klymentiy Zinoviiv, the relocation to the far eastern steppes meant a radical break with the usual way of life, with the homeland. The escape of Ukrainians to Slobozhanshchina calls into question the future of the revival of the parental land. The concept of «freedom” (“svoboda-sloboda”) turns into a concept. The poet offers a dilemma: what is “freedom” - wandering in a foreign country in the constant struggle for survival or dignified life on the native land with observance of established social relations and preservation of the established subordination.


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Author Biography

Ігор Ісіченко, Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна

доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри історії української культури


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How to Cite
Ісіченко, І. (2018). Concept of freedom in the poetic code of Klymentiy Zinoviiv. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (78), 7–15. Retrieved from
Early Modern and Modern Literature as Artistic Space of Freedom