Implementation of technology of formation of professional and communiculative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions
technology, professional and communicative competence, foreign students, higher technical educational institution
The article describes the experimental work on the implementation in practice of the technology of forming the professional and communicative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions. In accordance with the purpose of the article the peculiarities of the process of formation of the professional and communicative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions are determined, the content of the activity of teachers and students at each stage of the introduced technology is revealed, an analysis of the dynamics of indicators of levels of formation of professional and communicative competence in foreign students of higher technical educational institutions of experimental and the control group. It is noted that the process of formation of the professional and communicative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions has its own peculiarities, it is a rather complex phenomenon that manifests itself in the optimal combination of subjective (the basic communication level of a foreign student, motivation, national-cultural aspect, peculiarities of cognitive Styles of foreign students, the presence of personal communicative qualities, multicultural competence of teachers, etc.) and objective (contextual teaching, theorems Iko-methodical preparation of teachers for the process of formation of professional and communicative competence, application of active, interactive teaching methods and information and communication technologies for optimization and intensification of the mentioned process, making adapted textbooks and manuals, thematic dictionaries, etc.). It is noted that in the research the indicated technology appears as a system of interrelated elements: social order, goals, tasks, scientific approaches and principles, stages, structural and functional components, forms, methods, means, result, as well as criteria and indicators of the formation levels of the indicated Competence. It was shown that the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment was aimed at the realization of propaedeutic, motivational-value, cognitive-activity and evaluation and correction stages of the technology, which allowed to optimize and intensify the process of formation of the indicated competence in accordance with the standards of branch education. In order to obtain probable data on the progress of the molding stage of the experiment, at all its stages, the observation of communicative activities of foreign students, questionnaires, testing and individual conversations was conducted. The analysis of the results of the forming stage of the experiment shows that the introduction of the developed technology of forming the professional and communicative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions contributed to the quantitative and qualitative growth of this level of competence for all the selected components.Downloads
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The European Qualіfіcatіons Framework for Lіfelong Learmng (EQF). [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу :
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Приходько А. М. Структура професійно-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців технічного профілю / А. М. Приходько // Освітній простір. Глобальні, регіональні та інформаційні аспекти : науково-методичний журнал. – Вип. 18. – Чернівці : Наші книги, 2014. – 172 с. – С. 69-72.
Приходько А. М. Технологія формування професійно-комунікативної компетентності іноземних студентів вищих технічних навчальних закладів / А. М. Приходько // Актуальні проблеми державного управління, педагогіки та психології / Збірник наукових праць Херсонського національного технічного університету . – Вип. 1 (12). – Херсон : Грінь Д. С., 2015. – Т. 2. – 118 с. – С. 90-93.
The European Qualіfіcatіons Framework for Lіfelong Learmng (EQF). [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу :
How to Cite
Приходько, А. М. (2017). Implementation of technology of formation of professional and communiculative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 191-199. Retrieved from