Scientific and practical experience of application of computer technologies in the system of combat training and in the training process of physical education

  • С. В. Палевич
Keywords: computer technologies, cadets, electronic textbook, physical training


The introduction of information and computer technologies in the educational process of physical education of servicemen requires filling the content of the educational space, ensuring access of the participants in the educational process to quality educational and methodological materials.

The problems of physical education in military high schools are the object of constant attention of many scientists.

However, the improvement of the process of physical training of cadets on the basis of traditional provisions that have been established for years, without introducing modern information technologies into the educational process, does not solve the problem of forming their competences in the sphere of special physical training as one of the most important components of the overall readiness for combat activities.

In this connection, there is a need to resolve the contradictions between:

- accelerated growth of scientific information and limited time of training, opportunities for subjects of the educational process;

- between the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in specialists with a high level of competence in the field of physical education and the insufficient development of the theoretical foundations for its formation in the practice of training future officers;

- the demand for active work of teachers in the preparation of electronic educational resources and insufficiently developed principles for the creation of such teaching and methodological materials of a new generation.

The purpose of the article is to improve the process of forming the competence of special physical training of the Air Force servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the basis of developing and introducing electronic means into the educational process.

Analysis of the literature shows several areas of application of electronic tools in the educational process of the university:

-        use of computerized simulators;

-        use of a conventional laser projector with a stereo sound system;

-        use of information-modeling environment, electronic teaching aids.

At the present stage, the content of training plans and programs for special physical training is accompanied by the integration of elements of combat training. This happens without reliance on the didactic model of physical training and without the use of computer technology. Computer-oriented didactic technologies for conducting classes are being introduced too narrowly. The main factors that restrain this are the actual absence of typical programs for physical training, taking into account the specifics of the organization and the conduct of combat training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Lack of methodological development for the physical training of military specialists, taking into account their specialty; A low level of logistical and organizational support for physical training in the process of vocational training.

The analysis of the works convinces that the use of electronic training aids in the educational process is the basis for improving the process of physical training of cadets and an important prerequisite for their successful military professional activity. One of the most common and significant components of information support of the academic discipline in teaching is the electronic textbook.

Analysis of the literature shows that the management of the learning process with the help of computer technology allows us to outline further ways to optimize and develop them on the basis of an analysis of the structure of actions for organizing the learning process through the conceptual model of the teacher's activity.



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How to Cite
Палевич, С. В. (2017). Scientific and practical experience of application of computer technologies in the system of combat training and in the training process of physical education. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 170-179. Retrieved from