Psychological-pedagogical aspects of the organization of preparation of pilot cadet for implementation combat tasks

  • Р. В. Невзоров
  • П. М. Онипченко
Keywords: training, pilot cadet, combat mission, learning, psychological and pedagogical aspect


The article looks at the current state of training of cadets-pilots in terms HMEI to air combat missions. Analyzes the nature and composition of their component preparation to combat missions.

Flight training, which includes a subsystem for professional training is a complex psychological and educational system aimed at building the skills of piloting, navigation, combat use and Flight Training.

Analysis of domestic and foreign literature over the past 20 years shows that the problem of preparation of students-pilots to combat use (combat missions) remains insufficiently developed. The preparation for a combat flight conditions HMEI as the educational system is practically not been studied. This creates gaps in the chain of continuous formation of highly flyer.

Therefore, the organization of vocational training should provide such an integrated link between the various pedagogical influences, which subordinates their functioning to the sole goal – the formation of professional readiness of future pilots to flight activities.

Inclusion of the elements in a certain way is arranged. The main instruments of orderly interaction of elements of the system are the results of the educational process, organization stabilizing system.

Elements of the system for training crews are preparing means certain disciplines that make up the system and perform specific functions. Regarding the training system, each element is a subsystem. Elements of the system of training include educational and professional activities; theoretical training; training; psychological training; general physical (special physical) training.

Direct training of cadets for combat training and flight tactical training in the flight training process should be preceded by appropriate training that would allow them to adapt quickly and effectively to the development of professional qualities. The current state of preparation of students for the first course of study does not meet these requirements.

Professional training of crews is in the process of theoretical and practical training. Practical training consists of two types: training – training on the ground (quasi-professional activity) and flight training – training in the air (professional activity). System analysis of the process of professional training of future military pilots based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of research, curricula and programs, guidance and regulatory documents regulating flight work, existing practice of training, showed that for all types of flight training – general theoretical, general-military, physical, ground (training and preparation for flight), flight, psychological and physiological – from the point of view of formation I piloting skills leading role with gym and flight training. In turn, flight training, included as a subsystem for vocational training, is a complex pedagogical system aimed at developing skills and abilities of piloting, aircrafts, combat applications, and flight and tactical training.

Thus, the following conclusions can be made regarding the system of training pilots: for the purpose of professional training of cadet pilots it is necessary to provide a qualitatively new level of their competence as pilots of military aviation, on issues of organization and carrying out of all types of training in aviation detachments on the basis of the introduction of a new subject- Subjective paradigm; The content of their training should include a set of general, professional and value concepts, concepts, judgments, values of professional activity of pilots of military aviation.



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How to Cite
Невзоров, Р. В., & Онипченко, П. М. (2017). Psychological-pedagogical aspects of the organization of preparation of pilot cadet for implementation combat tasks. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 161 - 169. Retrieved from