Formation of motivation for occupying cumbersome fitness in students of higher educational institutions

  • О. А. Мкртічян
  • А. І. Маракушин
Keywords: motivation, health fitness, the process of physical education students


The main directions of forming the motivation to exercise fitness to the students of higher educational institutions are reviewed in this article. The possibility of applying the basic principles of fitness during classes with students is determined. In the system of higher education, priority is given to intellectual development of students at the expense of their physical development and health. The motivation for fitness training and the motivation formation in young people is to increase their level of physical training, self-confidence and the development of special, professionally important, physical qualities.

Preservation and strengthening of health, increasing the level of physical fitness of students are the national problems of the present and they are among the important tasks for higher educational institutions of Ukraine. However, statistics show that the health of young people is deteriorating every year, and therefore all the specialists’ forces should be directed to solve this problem. So, scientists determine that the main causes of the crisis in the physical culture, which occurred in the Ukraine, is the unsatisfactory state of the national system of physical education of the population, which does not meet modern requirements and international standards, the depreciation of the social prestige of physical culture, of sport, of a healthy people lifestyle; bureaucracy of all training and retraining units for specialists in the field of physical culture, sports, fitness, etc.; the residual financing for physical culture and sports development, etc. And, as a result of such state of the physical culture national system, there is a very low level of positive motivation for systematic physical education, sports and fitness in students of higher educational institutions.

Motivation is a dynamic process that manages the behavior of a person and determines his activity, the nature of actions, the stability of interest to continue actions’ implementation. The formed motivation always leads to the implementation of activities as well as the activity can act as a source of motivation itself. The formation of a motivational beliefs, values, and goals in physical culture, physical self-improvement, the need for regular physical exercises are necessary.



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How to Cite
Мкртічян, О. А., & Маракушин, А. І. (2017). Formation of motivation for occupying cumbersome fitness in students of higher educational institutions. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 137-143. Retrieved from