Directions of public and enlightenment activities of Kharkiv medical society scientists (second half of 19th - early 20th centuries)

  • Т. В. Лутаєва
Keywords: public and enlightenment activities, kharkiv medical society, adult education, public lectures, popular readings, updating knowledge of health professionals


In the article it was described and analyzed the main directions of the public and enlightenment activities of the members of Kharkiv Medical Society during the Imperial era. It was proved that realization in various directions of public and enlightenment activities of the Kharkiv Medical Society became possible due to the social partnership with representatives of government, public organizations, student youth, teachers, health workers, domestic and foreign scholars and all those who were ready to work for the benefit of country.

The author described such directions of the public and enlightenment activities of Kharkiv Medical Society: the sanitary and enlightenment activity, the cultural and enlightenment activity, the scientific and enlightenment activity. It was noted that the sanitary and enlightenment activity was aimed at the spread of sanitary and hygienic knowledge, skills among population. It was accented that cultural and enlightenment activity was aimed at popularizing of world and domestic culture achievements among the different segments of the population, popularization ways of cultural leisure. It was noted that the scientific and enlightenment activity was provided for the acquaintance of scientists, health workers, young people and community representatives with the latest scientific achievements. It was outlined such means of Kharkiv Medical Society sanitary and enlightenment activity: reports, public lectures and popular readings, publication of popular literature, exhibitions. It was outlined such means of Kharkiv Medical Society cultural and enlightenment activity: reports and publications of anti-alcoholic literature, public festivals, special events dedicated to the life of outstanding humanists, public lectures in favour of cultural and educational institutions. It was outlined such means of Kharkiv Medical Society scientific and enlightenment activity: excursions to the Bacteriological Institute; public lectures; discussion and publication of speeches, reports, open letters, abstracts; organization of educational courses for doctors, students; publishing and reviewing of educational and methodological literature that was used for the formation and development of the scientific worldview.

In article it was highlighted the role of individual personalities in the field of implementation of the Kharkiv Medical Society public and enlightenment activities during the Imperial era. It was specifies that an important condition for the implementation of public and enlightenment activities of Kharkiv Medical Society was the humanist orientation and active life position of its members.

The author notes that in modern conditions it is important to disseminate the experience of the public and enlightenment activities of Kharkiv Medical Society, to develop the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of healthcare professionals. It has been established that the experience of the enlightenment activities of Kharkiv scientists can be considered as a model for imitation in the Educational sphere of Ukraine in the process of organizing of informal adult education.

Further research is required in the field of theoretical analysis of the forms, methods and means of implementing public and enlightenment activities of the Kharkiv Medical Society representatives.



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How to Cite
Лутаєва, Т. В. (2017). Directions of public and enlightenment activities of Kharkiv medical society scientists (second half of 19th - early 20th centuries). Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 106-119. Retrieved from