Еducational system in the work of Amelie Notomb "Glossary of proper names"

  • С. К. Криворучко
  • Л. В. Ричкова
Keywords: a. notomb, pedagogy, system, personality, idea, education educational process, self-realization


In the book "Dictionary of proper names" 2002 Belgian Francophone writer A. Notomb interprets social system, embodies the idea of education’s devastating impact on the psyche of a child and an adolescent. In theory of literature they singled out a genre - the novel of education, which upsets the psychological and social narratives around issues of identity formation. Conceptually the genre of "Dictionary of proper names" is formed on the basis of the story and novel features of novel education that on ideological level transformed into anti educational methods that were accepted and common.

Teachers are represented as functionaries at elementary school, which do not include oindividual perception of the individual child, resulting stress is a general mood of ordinary school, which is considered the norm..

The girl, who wanted to reach her goal they deprived the meaning of life on her way to it. A. Notomb, by creating an artistic image of the selected child in the book "Dictionary of proper names," reveals the educational system: pre-kindergarten, school, ballet education as criminal establishments employing inhumane professionals applying antipedagogical methods of education aimed at the destruction of liberty joy and even the health of future generations. The writer by criticizing educational institutions trys to draw attention of imperfections of community to established practices that require rethinking, and even objections and prohibitions.

By creating an artistic image of the chosen child A. Notomb reveals educational system: pre-kindergarten, school, ballet education as criminal establishments employing inhumane professionals applying antipedagogical methods of education aimed at the destruction of freedom, joy, and even the health of future generations. The author destroys the "myth" of adequate educational system today, which was formed in the "family", "school", "children's art schools" refutes strict parenting practices of successful strong personality that crippleы the psyche of the individual, make him sick. At the level of subtext writer outlines humanistic perspective - the dominant trend in education should be a particular love for the individual, taking into consideration the psychological nuances of its’ character.



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How to Cite
Криворучко, С. К., & Ричкова, Л. В. (2017). Еducational system in the work of Amelie Notomb "Glossary of proper names". Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 94-105. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pedagogy/article/view/9977