Method of projects as a means of activation of teaching and training work of students

  • А. І. Комишан
  • Н. Б. Щокіна
Keywords: educational process, project, project technology, project method, project activity, types of projects, project structure, advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers


The article deals with the project method as a means of activating students’ educational and cognitive activities.

Project technology is an important component of the productive education system and a non-standard, non-traditional way of organizing the educational process via active methods of action (planning, prediction, analysis, synthesis), aimed at implementing a person-centered approach.

The project activity is able to make the educational process personally significant for the student (cadet), so he can reveal his creative potential, demonstrate his research abilities, activity, imagination, creativity and independence. The starting point in this matter should be the ability of scientific and pedagogical workers to implement the project method in their professional and pedagogical activity in a qualitative and effective manner.

The views of scientists about the place of the project method in the educational process of a modern university are analyzed. The project method is considered as a set of research, search, problem methods, techniques and actions of the student, which are carried out in a certain sequence to achieve the set goal - an independent decision personally significant professionally directed problem. The result of the project activity can be seen, realized and, most importantly, used in real practice.

The tasks, solved on the basis of the introduction of the project method into the higher school educational process, are analyzed.

The classification of educational projects is considered according to: the make-up of participants in the project activity; the nature of partnerships; the level of inter-subject implementation; the duration in time; the purpose and nature of the project activity – informational, fact-finding, scientific-search, structural and so on.

The stages of work on the training project are generalized.

The possibilities of the project activity for the formation and development of professionally significant and personal qualities of students (cadets) are considered: analytical, polemical, preventative, communicative skills.

It is determined that it is possible to realize the project activity only on the basis of appropriate training of scientific and pedagogical workers for its implementation. For the purpose of popularizing of the project method and familiarizing scientific and pedagogical workers with the project activities, a number of educational and methodical classes on the problem of implementation of the method project into the methodology of practical training by teachers are developed and conducted.

Among the tasks that were solved during such classes, we defined: the analysis of the essence and features of the project technology of training, familiarization with the types of the project activity and its results; the analysis of the algorithm for conducting the lesson using the project method; the determination of criteria for evaluating the results of project activities; the preparation of a fragment of a practical lesson based on the project method (subject by choice).



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How to Cite
Комишан, А. І., & Щокіна, Н. Б. (2017). Method of projects as a means of activation of teaching and training work of students. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 81-93. Retrieved from