Creation of projects on mathematics and physics as a means for forming future teachers’ instrumental competencies

  • Г. М. Брославська
Keywords: competence, instrumental competence, research work, crossword, test, program Microsoft Excel


The article focuses on the analysis of expedient creation of projects (crosswords and tests) on mathematics and physics via the program Microsoft Excel as an effective means for forming future teachers’ instrumental competencies during their professional training; opportunities of project activities are described; some recommendations for the creation of projects (crosswords and tests) for educational purposes via Microsoft Excel are given.

The ways of orienting the educational process to the development of the personality of a student, forming his/her instrumental competence as a future mathematics and physics teacher are characterized.

The prospect of further research in this direction will be the development of a structural and functional model of formation of future mathematics and physics teachers’ instrumental competences during their professional training.

The work experience of the author of the article as a teacher at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council shows that the educational activity gives better results if it is combined with various methods of obtaining information, especially those that play an important role in human life. There are solutions of crosswords and tests among them that capture and attract students.

When the conversation is about the educational process, we should address the issues of developing students’ personal qualities during their studying, knowledge and skills, and also the ability to apply them in the professional activity.

A student who is a future mathematics and physics teacher can be considered competent if he/she can satisfy his/her individual and social needs, act and fulfill assigned tasks in any situation.



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How to Cite
Брославська, Г. М. (2017). Creation of projects on mathematics and physics as a means for forming future teachers’ instrumental competencies. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 35-44. Retrieved from