Development of educational electronic resources and their application in the training of courses

  • І. О. Борозенець
  • Д. В. Сумцов
Keywords: innovative teaching methods, electronic educational tools, electronic textbook, visualization, animation, interactive education system


The article discusses the use of interactive electronic educational tools in the process of training military specialists and their impact on improving the education quality. It is shown that the implementation of an interactive informational didactic environment into the process of military-specific training of cadets makes it possible to improve academic performance and quality.

The modern level of computer technologies made possible to change the nature of using of information technologies in military specialists training. Increasing of visual possibilities of computers to present an educational information allowed to create of educational multimedia systems, and the widespread of network technologies provided the practical implementation of online education systems and remote education systems.

Modern information technologies, including multimedia ones, contribute to the successful resolution of the general tasks of military specialists training. Using of information technologies helps to develop skills of active perception of learning material, grows practical experience and knowledge of students, what is an important condition for the education of future officers, and promote to improving the professor’s professional experience. Therefore, the potential of these technologies requires further study in order to increase the educational process efficiency and to realize of students possibilities in special military training.

In article features of development of such type of electronic learning resource as an electronic textbook are considered and requirements for e-textbook are formulated. Practical recommendations for an e-textbook development are given.



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How to Cite
Борозенець, І. О., & Сумцов, Д. В. (2017). Development of educational electronic resources and their application in the training of courses. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 27-34. Retrieved from