Communicative leadership as a basis for the formation of a competent teacher-engineer
The article deals with one of the urgent problems of training engineers-teachers, competitive on the modern labor market. The author solves the problem of improving such training, by developing skills of communicative leadership as the foundation of professionalism of an engineer-teacher. In addition, the author isolates certain personal qualities of the engineer-teacher, without mastering of which such training is impossible.
One of the most demanded and professionally relevant competencies of future engineer educators is leadership as a set of personality traits that reflect the degree of purposeful creative, intellectual, communicative, emotional and volitional activity of the individual ready to change both the reality and himself. The society needs leaders and organizers with skills in team work, based on the ideas of humanism, capable of empathy, dialogue on an equal basis and on the basis of a person-oriented, partner-style interaction.
In defining leadership as a manifestation of a high level professional competence, it should be noted that among its system-forming components, the communicative competence rates first. Communicative competence includes the ability to communicate, exchange information, and the ability to establish productive relationships with participants in managerial discourse, to organize activities on a partnership basis in a dialogue mode.
The engineer-educator must be programmed for dialogue, all his intellectual activity must be reflective-creative. He must be able to simulate any spatial-temporal conditions, any process and structure in the system of educational and professional-production space.
Thus, considering the training of future teacher engineers as communicative leaders at technical universities of Ukraine, the author focuses on their formation as professionals and leaders in the dialogue system of higher vocational education through the development of such personal qualities as transcendence, empathy, tolerance, congruency, constructiveness, community , performance, and reflexivity.Downloads
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