Methodological approaches as the basis of professional preparation students of the pedagogical university to distance learning

  • Х. М. Алієв
Keywords: methodological approach, methodological synergy, professional training, student, pedagogical approaches, distance learning


In the article disclosed methodological approaches professional training students of the pedagogical university to distance learning. The structure of methodological knowledge provides three levels of developmental problems: the general scientific level is based on a systematic approach; specifically scientific - for practical use in the process of professional training of students of the pedagogical university to distance learning of the personally oriented positions, competency and activity approaches in their interaction and technological. The system approach allows us to consider education in a pedagogical university as a complex integrity, which axiomatically embedded subject area of the discipline as a system, by including the goals and technologies of distance education in their achievement. The basic idea of a competent approach is that the result of education is not individual knowledge, skills and competences, but acquired competencies. Personally oriented approach involves the creation of appropriate conditions for self-development of deeds, abilities and creativity potential of students of pedagogical university. The peculiarity of scientific research in the pedagogical field from the standpoint of a technological approach is manifested in the fact that, investigated educational process is seen as a technological, which, thanks to a clearly defined sequence of steps, aimed at achieving the intended goal, Allows you to achieve results with predefined quantitative and qualitative indicators and meets the criteria of technology. These approaches do not contradict each other, but rather complement each other, which provides the choice of tactics of scientific research, the corresponding forms, methods and means of training, as well as the content of the training of future specialists. The systematic use of methodological approaches provides methodological synergy, which is, increasing their effectiveness as a result of interaction with others.



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How to Cite
Алієв, Х. М. (2017). Methodological approaches as the basis of professional preparation students of the pedagogical university to distance learning. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 5-11. Retrieved from