The use of active learning methods in the process of formation of readiness of teachers of preschool educational institutions to create a secure information environment for children of preschool age
active methods of learning, teachers in preschool institutions, safe informational settings for a child
The article identified, classified, described active methods of training, peculiarities of their use for the preparation of teachers of preschool educational institutions on creating a safe information environment for preschool children. On the basis of generalization of scientific theory and practice the content and ways of formation of such environment are discussed in this article. Active adult-learning methods are identified, classified and characterized in the article. The peculiarities of their use for the preparation of teachers of preschool educational institutions to create a secure information environment for children of preschool age are discussed. On the basis of generalization of scientific theory and practice the content and ways of formation of scientific environment are revealed.Downloads
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How to Cite
Коченгіна, М. В. (2017). The use of active learning methods in the process of formation of readiness of teachers of preschool educational institutions to create a secure information environment for children of preschool age. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (39), 112-117. Retrieved from