Computer instruction important conception of education of students
means of information, computer textbook, properties, activity of instruction, possibility of choice, meaning
Article is devoted to the application of computer instruction in the institutions of higher education. It is recognized that computer instruction has influence and causes considerable alterations on educative activity of student, draws students to scientific work, creates instruction in a term of dialogue, gives possibility of getting means of application of computer in activity of instruction.Downloads
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Лозова Г.І., Троцко Г.В. Теоретичні основи виховання та навчання : Навчальий посібник / Харк. нац. пед. унів. ім. Г.С.Сковороди . – 2-е вид., випр. І доп. – Харків: „ОВС”, 2002. – 400с.
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Учебное пособие. Издательство „Академия Естествознания”, 2009. – 300с
How to Cite
Єфремов, С. В. (2017). Computer instruction important conception of education of students. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (39), 75-81. Retrieved from