Training of judges in wrestling: analysis of the current state and prospects for further development in Ukraine

  • А. С. Євтифієв
Keywords: professional training, wrestling, judges, qualifications, organization, courses, regulations system


One of the factors of success of the Ukrainian wrestlers at international sports events, as well as the growing popularity of wrestling among broad layers of the population, is the availability of a sufficient number of professional staff that, in accordance with world standards, able to ensure the organization of training process and competitions on wrestling. The article argues the idea that changes in the socio-economic, political, and professional fields determine the transition to development in many countries, multi-tiered and flexible system of continuous education of judges. Stated that in the process of creating its own system of raising the qualification of judges in Ukraine noted a number of difficulties: the mismatch of material and financial resources to the development needs of the system, the lack of motivation programs for arbitrators, the inadequacy of the methodological structure, the lack of implementation of modern information technologies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is improvement of system of training of judges on wrestling. Sociological survey of the respondents regarding their vision of the conditions of implementation of training courses. Data analysis allowed to conclude that sport require that professionals continuously improve their professional skills, the level of which affects the athletic performance of students. Therefore, development of regulations for the training of judges on wrestling will contribute to the development of their professional competence.



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How to Cite
Євтифієв, А. С. (2017). Training of judges in wrestling: analysis of the current state and prospects for further development in Ukraine. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (39), 68-74. Retrieved from