Pecularities of using of the modal verbs as means of expressing the problematical character of the action in the formation of the english communicative competence of future foreign language teachers

  • О. А. Горовенко
Keywords: future english teacher, english communicative competence, modal verbs, problematical character


The article defines the peculiarities of using of the modal verbs with the value of the problematical character of the action; the need for their using during the formation of the English communicative competence of future foreign language teachers is proved.



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How to Cite
Горовенко, О. А. (2017). Pecularities of using of the modal verbs as means of expressing the problematical character of the action in the formation of the english communicative competence of future foreign language teachers. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (39), 52-57. Retrieved from