The acquisition of different types of knowledge by future teachers as a factor of their professionalism forming

  • Мирослава Олександрівна Семенова КЗ «ХГПА» Харківськоїобласної ради
Keywords: types of knowledge, the content of higher pedagogical education, professionalism


The article is dedicated for analyses the concept of "knowledge" and its types in the context of   learning of the content of pedagogical higher education by students, it is proved that a variety of knowledge are part of the professionalism of future teachers. 


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Author Biography

Мирослава Олександрівна Семенова, КЗ «ХГПА» Харківськоїобласної ради
Доцент кафедри педагогіки та психології


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How to Cite
Семенова, М. О. (2015). The acquisition of different types of knowledge by future teachers as a factor of their professionalism forming. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (37), 291-299. Retrieved from