Education future social teachers to humanistic relations trustees families in secondary schools

  • Л. М. Федорова
Keywords: humanism, humanist education, guardianship family, school, social worker, an orphan child, approaches, conditions


The article deals with problems of education in the future social teachers humanistic relation to guardianship families in secondary school. Includes such concepts as «humanistic education», «education», «humanity» and «humanization of education». Based on individually oriented, individual, system, families approaches, analyze the content and direction of social and educational work related to solving complex problems of guardianship families. Held social teacher work analysis using a model of socio–pedagogical work with guardianship families in secondary school. On the basis of the approach of the social teacher in the school with guardianship families that we have proposed in our research, we consider and principles. Revealing the principles, we show how is social– pedagogical work with this type of family. The problem of transforming the socio– economic conditions of Ukrainian society, the focus of the state on humanistic social policy, which, in turn, led to the issue of initiation in the country deinstitutionalisation maintenance and upbringing of orphans and children deprived of parental care and restoration of family zamischuvalnoyi forms of state care. However, Ukraine has seen a sharp increase in the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care. However, each child has the right to grow up in a family environment, regardless of its biological family can provide normal living conditions and education or not.The article also revealed components that improve the efficiency of social and educational work with the guardianship family in secondary school. And also offer further scientific study need to issues related to humanistic education and social workers use their knowledge in practice. The aim is to analyze the actual situation and conditions of formation of humanistic values of future social workers to families of trustees in terms of secondary school.


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How to Cite
Федорова, Л. М. (2017). Education future social teachers to humanistic relations trustees families in secondary schools. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 200-207. Retrieved from