National values in the content of primers and their role in the identity formation (the beginning of the xxi century)

  • Н. Т. Новосельська
Keywords: national values, national consciousness, identity formation, content of an ABC–book


Under modern conditions of the revival of the national education system, implementation of the National Education Development Doctrine of Ukraine in the XXI century, the problem of identity formation of a primary schoolchild on the basis of national values is particularly important. «National education is aimed at involving citizens in deep layers of the national culture and spiritual formation of children and youth’s national worldview, ideas and opinion based on the values of national and world culture». The urgency of the problems is caused by the impaired need to address strategic challenges that are facing the national education system under the new economic, social and cultural conditions of its integration into European and world educational space. In the contemporary Ukrainian national education, the way to success runs through the major national values: the Ukrainian idea, the state independence of Ukraine, self–sacrifice in the struggle for freedom of the nation, patriotism and willingness to defend the homeland, the unity of generations on the basis of faith in the national idea, a sense of national dignity and historical memory, civil national patriotic activity, respect for state and national symbols: the national anthem, emblem and flag, the constitution of Ukraine; love for one’s own culture, language, national holidays and traditions, focus of their efforts on the development of the Ukrainian state, the desire to build a just polity, countering anti– Ukrainian ideology and willingness to side with the peoples who are fighting for national freedom, promote the development of the spiritual life of the Ukrainian people. With the start of learning at school, a primer is the most important book in the grader’s life, since a pupil receives the first idea of the native land, country, culture, traditions, language and customs of their people from this tutorial. Formation of an identity of a primary school child includes not only the development of their intellectual and creative abilities but also mastering of the system of universal and national values and concepts, in particularly. Involvement in national sources of spirituality, formation of patriotic qualities, and focus on national–spiritual values are the basis of education.


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How to Cite
Новосельська, Н. Т. (2017). National values in the content of primers and their role in the identity formation (the beginning of the xxi century). Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 124-132. Retrieved from