Modera landmarks in the formation of the future teacher worldview: from duality to wholeness

  • Л. А. Діте
Keywords: attitude, the dual world, a holistic perception.


The article deals with the problems of formation worldview of the future teacher in the conditions of modern times. A fundamental principle in favor focus
on the transformation process of the material, the duality consciousness to spiritual consciousness of unity. In conditions of energy transformation of mass
waking up of humanity, it is important to let usual views go and face to extremely new knowledge. The paper is often considered a problem of attitude formation of
the future teacher in the conditions of modern times. Underlying precepts advocates focus on the process of transformation of the material, the duality
consciousness to spiritual consciousness of unity. In terms of energy transformations, the mass awakening of humanity need to let go of the familiar
sights and seek a completely new knowledge. The content of the educational work that forms the identity of future teachers, should be focus on the ability to model
reality at a new stage of evolution of consciousness, a deep conviction that only the man himself builds the reality of their lives, making the sampling minute blame the
world or to change themselves, consciously letting go of old habits and standards of conduct. It is important to target future teachers to reflect on the world in all its
unity – both visible and invisible to the eye, and, as a consequence, a synthesis of all available methods of its cognition. Therefore, the formation process of the
teacher's personality should be based on this essential role of the ideological aspects of forming the perception of the world in its entirety. In this context, a
significant sense of self becomes a process, understanding the future of professional essence. It is essential to proceed from an understanding of man
hours on the modern segment is considered, including a vibration pattern created from many interacting and reinforcing each other's frequencies. Being much more
vibration than physical entity, the person on the energy–level is a reception system, radiation and transformation of one form of energy into another. So to speak, it is
a vibration transmitter. Future professionals need to understand and communicate in the future to his disciples that the world of the present and future depends on the
vibration signal that everyone sends in a minute. This realization will be responsible for the cleanliness of the space around us.


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How to Cite
Діте, Л. А. (2017). Modera landmarks in the formation of the future teacher worldview: from duality to wholeness. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 59-67. Retrieved from