Actual problems of creation of scientifically based content of academic discipline “pedagogy of physical education” for higher educational institutions of physical education
The paper reveals the actual problems of creating a scientifically based content of educational discipline «Pedagogy of physical education» for higher education institutions. The analysis of modern textbooks and manuals testified about the absence of a theoretical substantiation of the development problems of pedagogy of physical education as a scientific discipline. To ensure a higher level
of theoretical training of teachers of physical education in the curricula of the mentioned higher education institutions the academic discipline «Pedagogy of physical education» is launched. Analysis of the content of the available literature shows the lack of relevant training manual and scientific research to determine the contents of the specified discipline. Due to the absence of the necessary literary
sources it is difficult for teachers of physical education to prepare educational programs for this academic discipline. The article offers the author's version of the main modules for this educational discipline and approximate content of the curriculum. The work examines separately the issues of teacher training for lessons and the role of students in the organization of self–study as agents of the
educational process. On the basis of the following modules it is developed the structure of educational discipline «Pedagogy of physical education». Carried out an analysis of the implementation of the new educational discipline «Pedagogy of physical education» in higher educational institutions of physical education proves the absence of its main substantive lines. The pendency of this problem stems with
the fact that a number of topics coincides with the themes of educational discipline «Theory and methodology of physical education». Therefore, efforts on the reflection of the problems of physical education through educational, not the moved aspects, are aimed in the research. To do this it is developed two modules and eleven content modules, which are the main provisions of the educational
aspects of the organization of the process of physical education at the secondary and higher educational institutions.
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