Criteria and indicators of compatibility aesthetic culture of future teachers of music art in China
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of «culture» and «aesthetic culture». The author defines the components of aesthetic culture of personality: motivational-value, cognitive, creative and activity. The motivational-value component is an important factor in the formation of the aesthetic culture of future teachers of musical art in the People's Republic of China, which ensures the positive orientation of his personality transformations. The cognitive component of the formation of the aesthetic culture of future teachers of musical art in China, based on a complex of knowledge in the field of musical pedagogy, includes: awareness and awareness of its historical and linguistic peculiarities; solution of questions of analysis and interpretation of musical works; taking into account the specifics of musical work at school; the use of special scientific, methodological, informational and bibliographic, reference literature on musical art. The creative-activity component helps to attract students to active and purposeful participation in various types of musical activities, facilitates the organic transition of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities into the personal gain of everyone. According to certain components of the formation of aesthetic culture of future teachers of musical art, the following criteria are identified: motivational, content and activity-reflective. Indicators of the motivational criterion are: interest in the formation of their own aesthetic culture, a positive attitude to this type of activity, the presence of motivation. Indicators of the content criterion are: systematic, completeness and soundness of knowledge about aesthetic culture. The indicators of the activity-reflexion criterion include: the presence of a complex of professional-pedagogical and special skills, control, self-control, assessment and self-assessment of the process and the results of the formation of aesthetic culture with a view to further their revaluation. The following levels of formation of aesthetic culture of future teachers of musical art are highlighted: high, sufficient, average, and low.
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