Organization of non-language specialties students’ independent work during english classes by means of computer technologies

  • О. В. Парфьонова
  • Р. Л. Туренко
Keywords: independent work, students, computer technologies


The article is devoted to the problem of independent work organization during the English classes by means of computer technologies. The main approaches to the definition of this pedagogical phenomenon are indicated.  It is considered as 1) an important component of higher education, which is organized both in the classroom and as projects under the guidance, but without the direct involvement of the teacher; 2) active activity aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences in the field of general and professional activity. The advantages of computer technologies in the organization of students' independent work are presented (optimization of search of information, improvement of language skills, language immersion, creating conditions for individual and group independent work). On the basis of the analysis  of pedagogical literature main types of students’ independent work, which include preparation for classes, preparation of analytical reading, which is a necessary element of studying a foreign language, the memorization of lexical units and grammatical constructions, writing essays etc. are elucidated. The experience of using computer technologies for the of students’ independent work organization at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics is described: the usage of blogs for the development of writing skills and video filming. It is found that the usage of computer technologies make the control of students’ independent work easier and more effective.


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How to Cite
Парфьонова, О. В., & Туренко, Р. Л. (2019). Organization of non-language specialties students’ independent work during english classes by means of computer technologies. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (44), 242-250. Retrieved from