Time management in the organization of educational activities of students in higher education

  • В. В. Яценко
Keywords: time management, professional training, future specialists, organization of educational activities


The article discusses the theoretical basis of the concept of technology «time management», revealed its essence in the organization of learning activities of students of the university, conducted a survey and found the results developed memo on time management for students. In professional training of future specialists it is necessary to take into account those factors that influence the successful formation of a student's personality in an institution of higher learning. From the very beginning of studying students in higher education, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that they have skills and abilities for self-organization of educational activities, planning and control carried out in the course of educational activities, and in the future, when organizing the educational process, take into account these features.

Having studied the different approaches of well-known scientists on this issue, an algorithm is being developed to help students to effectively use their learning time. In our opinion, this assistance consists in the analysis and purposeful distribution of the training time by the students themselves during the implementation of the educational process. An important step in the realization of the tasks is the daily planning of the student's educational time.

Australian psychologists N. Fisher and M. Bond introduced into the scientific circle a construct of «time structure». At the same time, they emphasized not the physical concepts of the structure of time, but his psychological characteristics: the peculiarities of perception and use of time within the framework of human life, linking them with the general level of satisfaction with life, the level of subjective well-being, the level of depression and mental health. Under the structure of time, N. Fisher and M. Bond understood the structured and purposeful perception and use of his time. The psychological characteristic of the structuring of time is the tendency to its comprehension and comprehension [5].

The research was carried out using the method of «Self-organizing activity questionnaire» by E. Yu. Mandrikova [2]. The author of this questionnaire emphasizes the importance of a vital component of human life – the strategy of dealing with the time of his life, both in the current situation and in life.


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How to Cite
Яценко, В. В. (2018). Time management in the organization of educational activities of students in higher education. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (42). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pedagogy/article/view/10688