Self-assessment work as an integral component of professional progress of students-philologists (based on world literature education)

  • Н. Р. Грицак
Keywords: self-assessment work, student’s creative skills, self-education, forms and types of self-assessment work, higher school


Modern attitude to the concept of «self-assessment work» of the students of higher educational establishment is theoretically defined and described in this article. Different approaches of the organization of self-assessment work of higher educational establishments are analysed focusing on the leading role of the teacher in the educational and evolving impact on the students in the conditions of reforming higher education in Ukraine. The state of scientific research of the problem of self-assessment work of the students-philologists at higher school is investigated. The author of this work proves that the role and importance of self-assessment work of the students at the higher educational establishments of Ukraine is the topical question in the system of higher education in the conditions of credit-module system. Self-assessment work of the students is the principal form of organisation of the educational process of higher school which helps to develop and promote students’ creative potential, forms professional competence and stimulates needs in self-education and self-improvement.

Increasing of the functions of self-assessment work in the educational process of higher school needs the development of the complete complex of tasks, problems, tests and exercises, searching the effective ways, methods, techniques and forms of intensification of self-assessment work during the educational process which have to make the most comfortable and optimal environment for the development and self-realisation of every student is offered. The main traditional and alternative forms and kinds of students’ self-assessment work are analysed. The principal role of drawing to self-assessment work is defined by didactic factors. Types and forms of self-assessment work on world literature as the effective form of organisation students-philologists’ education in the process of world literature education are proposed. Offered experience of using self-assessment work of students-philologists during the process of education, quality and effective self-assessment work influence on the increasing of students’ motivation to study, promotion of learning reviewing and gaining skills and knowledge and to use them in professional activity.

Results of the investigation are practical, given recommendation can be used in further research of the declared problem.


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How to Cite
Грицак, Н. Р. (2018). Self-assessment work as an integral component of professional progress of students-philologists (based on world literature education). Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (42). Retrieved from