Raising the level of education of applicants from rural areas

  • Є. І. Балака
  • Д. С. Лючков
  • М. Є. Резуненко
Keywords: school, university entrants, physics, mathematics, training organization, technical universities


From year to year, over the past decades there has been a steady decline in the level of knowledge in physical, mathematical and natural disciplines among graduates of secondary schools entering technical universities.

To a greater extent, this applies to applicants who have completed a full secondary education in rural schools. The consequence of this is: a significant decrease in interest among rural youth in obtaining higher technical education; giving priority to higher education institutions of the humanitarian direction; problems and difficulties faced by graduates of rural schools in the study of mathematics, physics at the first courses of technical universities.

The main reasons for this are: firstly, the considerable difficulties in staffing remote rural schools with highly professional teachers due to difficult living conditions and low wages, and secondly, the lack of modern educational laboratories, computer classes, the possibility of using the Internet in an extremely limited financing by local authorities.

The article gives in-depth analysis of these reasons, statistical data on the progress of students in the lower courses of physical and mathematical disciplines - graduates of rural and urban schools, the experience of the Ukrainian gymnasium at the beginning of the 20th century is considered. The proposals for solving these problems based on the restructuring of small schools are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Балака, Є. І., Лючков, Д. С., & Резуненко, М. Є. (2018). Raising the level of education of applicants from rural areas. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (42). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pedagogy/article/view/10648