Management of sustainable territorial development applying regional clusters model of M. Enright

Keywords: united territorial communities, socio-economic potential, financial capacity, decentralization, clusters


The purpose of the article is socio-geographical and economic justification of trends, models, mechanisms and priorities for improving managerial system of natural economic systems and territorial economic complexes in the context of decentralization based on adaptation of the clusters model of M. Enright. Main material. Mechanism for managing united territorial communities` natural and economic systems development to ensure sustainable geospatial development of territories based on the example of Kherson region has been applied in the article. It has been proven that the effectiveness of reforms’ progress can be ensured by further consolidation of united territorial communities (UTC) and their clustering. Moreover, the clusters can go outside current administrative districts` boundary, which since 2017 has been fully regulated by the law. To prove the mechanism of UTCs consolidation, it has been proposed to use the model of regional clusters of M. Enright, which was adapted for united territorial communities. To determine the prospects for further UTCs consolidation in Kherson region, followed by the definition of economically proved new zoning, the cluster analysis has been applied. The following criteria for clustering have been chosen: income per capita; own income per capita; infrastructure subsidy per capita. Conclusions. Socio-geographical and economic reasons for the reforming tools of the administrative-territorial system based on the example of Kherson region have revealed and substantiated the relevance of cluster approach in the process of UTCs and their associations` formation. UTCs associations aim to stimulate their development, rationally use available and potential resources, to ensure joint investment activities and project-management. It has been proposed to implement UTCs consolidation on the basis of cluster approach. Clustering, as the example of Kherson region, has been carried out based on the key socio-economic indicators per capita, namely: own incomes, infrastructure subsidy and basic / reverse subsidy. This allowed us to identify and map clusters of the formed UTCs and identify prospects for area without UTCs incorporation (within relevant village councils). UTCs consolidation was based on the characteristics of capacity, self-sufficiency, sustainable development, territorial and functional balance of community interests. This will allow to develop methodological and procedural recommendations for strategic documents at UTC level. Their relevance will be increased in the context of climate change and tackling national economic crisis.


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Author Biographies

Lidiia Anatoliyivna Horoshkova, Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Full Professor

Serhii Antonovych Lisovskyi, Institute of Geography. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Senior Scientific Employee

Ievgen Volodymyrovych Khlobystov, National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy»

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Full Professor


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How to Cite
Horoshkova, L. A., Lisovskyi, S. A., & Khlobystov, I. V. (2021). Management of sustainable territorial development applying regional clusters model of M. Enright. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (32), 26-35.