• Тетяна Володимирівна Хабарова Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: corruption, prevention of corruption, anti-corruption measures, foreign experience, measures to prevent corruption, anti-corruption activities, anti-corruption strategy


All countries of the world, without any exception, are concerned about the existence and the proliferation of such a destructive phenomenon as corruption, which harms the activities of public authorities, weighed down the economy and distorts society's consciousness. In this context, each country introduces its own anti-corruption program, strategy or conducts appropriate policies.

In this article, the corruption prevention measures applied by individual foreign countries are considered directly in order to ascertain the possibility of borrowing such experience for Ukraine.  The article analyzes the anti-corruption activities of three countries - Finland, Denmark and Sweden. This choice is due to the low level of corruption in the proposed countries.

Analyzed the experience of Finland, Denmark and Sweden, we made conclusion that the measures of prevention of corruption implemented in the studied countries, in the majority, coincide with the anti-corruption’s measures in Ukraine. Such measures include, inter alia, the adoption of anti-corruption legislation, the ratification of international treaties, the introduction of public control, the establishment of stricter penalties for the commission of corrupt acts, etc.  However, in the studied countries there is a certain feature that  decrease the level of corruption - this is the openness of the activities of authority, moral and psychological citizens' denial of corruption , increased transparency and facilitating the involvement of population to the implementation of anti-corruption measures, namely  using a number of ethical (for employees) and moral (for the whole of society) principles that stop citizens to commit  corruption's acts.  It could also be concluded one of the priority basic can influence the reduction of corruption is citizens’  moral and ethical education which Ukraine should strive for.



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How to Cite
Хабарова, Т. В. (2019). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF PREVENTION CORRUPTION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (27), 71-77.
Administrative law and process; finance law; information law