Thermobaric conditions of oil and gas contents and predicting of hydrocarbon phase state (on the example of the Bilche-Нolytsa oil- and gas-bearing area)

  • O. V. Lyubchak Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NASU
  • I. V. Kolodiy Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NASU
  • Y. V. Khokha Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NASU
Keywords: Bilche-Volytsa oil- and gas-bearing area, hydrocarbon system, thermobaric conditions, coefficient of hydrostatics, hydrocarbon phase state, π- theorem, dimensional analysis


Formulation of the problem. This paper illustrates the use of the dimensional analysis to assess a hydrocarbon phase state. It is known that the phase state establishment of the hydrocarbon system has an important role in prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields. Information about the hydrocarbons phase state is required in hydrocarbons supplies counting and planning of measures in respect of the increase in the coefficient of their extraction.

The purpose of the article. To create the methodology to establish the hydrocarbons phase state in a geological environment, to increase the efficiency of oil and gas indices measuring based on fundamental for the dimensional analysis π-theorem.

Methods. Estimation of hydrocarbon phase state was based on dimensional analysis of their physical and chemical properties and thermobaric conditions of free gases, condensates and oils occurrence from more than 200 objects that gave fluid inflex in the fields of Bilche-Volytsa oil- and gas-bearing area. To describe the environment we used: temperature and pressure in the stratum, depth of bedding of stratum, the average density and average molar mass of stable hydrocarbons mixture.

Results. The distribution of thermobaric parameters of hydrocarbon deposits within the Bilche-Volytsa oil- and gas-bearing area was analyzed. The character of a change in the coefficient of hydrostatics was shown to be dependent on peculiarities of the structural-tectonic construction of the investigation area. As a result, we obtained two dimensionless parameters: the criterion of "compression" Z1, which shows the ratio of hydrocarbon energy compression system to the energy of thermal motion and equals one for ideal gas and "hypsometric" criterion Z2 – the ratio of the potential energy of the mass raised to the height to the energy of thermal motion. The areas of numerical values Z1 and Z2 criteria, that describe the phase state of hydrocarbon, were identified.

Scientific novelty and practical significance. It has been found that dimensionless criteria Z1 and Z2 allow, with the available information about the depth of the deposit, density and molar mass of hydrocarbons and reservoir temperature and pressure, to set the phase state of the hydrocarbons system in the oil- and gas-bearing sedimentary complex. The established Bilche-Volytsa oil- and gas-bearing area has two different geothermic regions: more heated north-west and less heated south-east.


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Author Biographies

O. V. Lyubchak, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NASU
PhD (Geology), Senior Researcher
I. V. Kolodiy, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NASU
PhD (Geology), Senior Researcher
Y. V. Khokha, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NASU
PhD (Geology), Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Lyubchak, O. V., Kolodiy, I. V., & Khokha, Y. V. (2017). Thermobaric conditions of oil and gas contents and predicting of hydrocarbon phase state (on the example of the Bilche-Нolytsa oil- and gas-bearing area). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", (46), 15-22. Retrieved from