Total dynamics of regional geodemographic processes in Ukraine

  • В. В. Яворська I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University
Keywords: geodemographic process, dynamic of population size, regional differences, regional demographic policy


An important methodological principle of GDP study is a direct connection of GDP concept with regional economy and regional policy. Regional policy marked in Ukraine in 2001 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, requires formal regionalization of the country as a mandatory condition of Ukraine's accession to the EU. Currently, the main documents regulating the regional development of the country is "The Concept of regional policy" (2001) and "Strategy of socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions through 2015". This paper discusses features of the regional population dynamics, presents diagrams of the population number in the regions for the period 1897-2011 and qualitative assessment of changes in the population size in regional geodemographic processes between census intervals. The diagrams indicate large differences in population fluctuations in regions from 900000 to 5.5 million persons, as well as significant regional contrasts by terms and amplitude of population growth. A common feature of regional GDP graphs is their entry into the stage of depopulation in 1989-1991 years. The regions are grouped by six by the amplitude and rate of population dynamics. Qualitative assessment of population dynamics in regional GDP between census intervals gives an idea about the general features of population movement in the regions, leads to the idea of typological representation of the dynamics of GDP. The taxonomy of regions by the general features of the dynamics of demographic development in conjunction with other indicators will be used as one of the typological criteria for the systematic improvement of regional GDP. Exploring regional GDP is a multifaceted and complex process and beyond one unambiguous definition, it can be characterized from different angles and perspectives. Comprehensive study of GDP and its development involves the collection, arrangement, compilation and analysis of large amounts of diverse information using different methods. This allows to objectively assess GDP in the context of social and economic development of the country.


Author Biography

В. В. Яворська, I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University
PhD (Geography), Assistant Professor
How to Cite
Яворська, В. В. (2013). Total dynamics of regional geodemographic processes in Ukraine. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", 39(1084), 201-206. Retrieved from