Ethno-tourism potential of the Shaki-Zagatala economic region: opportunities and challenges
Problem statement. The ethnic tourism potential of the Shaki-Zagatala economic region, which is one of the regions with a rich ethnic composition of Azerbaijan, the usage possibilities of ethno-tourism and the emerging problems were investigated in the research paper. Studying the ethno-tourism opportunities of the region is fairly important in terms of recognition of the area from an ethnic point of view, employment of the local population and protection of ethno-diversity.
Purpose. The primary aim of the research is to study the current state of ethnic tourism in the region, explore the possibilities of using it, and for this, conduct a SWOT analysis and prepare a development model for eliminating the emerging problems. It is also necessary to explore potential areas for ethno-tourism in the region and prepare an ethno-tourism route for this.
Research methods. To carry out research in the area, literature and archive materials were examined, statistical materials were obtained, structural-functional analysis, generalization, and historical and geographic modelling methods were used. Along with this, field research works were also conducted to get to know the region more closely and to study cultural-heritage tourism opportunities.
Research results. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the region has a very rich ethnic composition and it is possible to witness this diversity in all districts. Although the region has rich ethno-tourism opportunities, they are still underutilized. This is due to the extremely low level of production and social infrastructure in the economic region. Unequivocally, although the social infrastructure is convenient in the ethno-diverse villages located near the district centres, the quality of the infrastructure decreases while moving away from the district centre. The second essential problem of the region is the lack of guest houses and hotels for overnight stays in the area or the location of most of them in the district centre and adjacent villages.
Conclusion. Taking into the general situation, it is possible to develop tourism, especially ethno-tourism, in the Shaki-Zagatala economic region, which is relatively backward in terms of sustainable development. To ensure the comfort of the tourists coming to this region, the construction or repair of roads along the ethno-tourism route, and the organization of catering and accommodation services are among the main priorities. The development of this type of tourism in the region will eliminate the problem of unemployment among the population in these places, assist in increasing the income of the population, and play a special role in protecting the ethnic diversity of the country and putting it on the map.
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