Landscape and geochemical assessment of ecological condition of environmental protection territories
Purpose. The problem of environmental pollution by heavy metals is one of the most important problems of the present and the near future. The compounds of these elements are characterized by high toxicity, mobility and ability to bio-accumulation. The aim of the study was to establish the main regularities of trace elements of the national natural park (NNP), to determine the indicators of their mobility for assessment of state of environment.Scientific novelty. The article discusses the features of distributing of heavy metals in the components of landscapes of the territory of the national natural park for realization of control and settlement of his concentration in accordance with the set norms.Results. The analysis of the landscape-geochemical conditions of the territory of the national natural park “Nyzhniosulskyi” has been performed. Consistent patterns of heavy metals distribution in the modern soil of the territory of NNP “Nyzhniosulskyi” have been determined. The analysis of landscape-geochemical conditions of the territory indicates that they generally contribute to the migration of chemical elements with land runoff as well as their significant vertical redistribution. The differentiation of landscape-geochemical conditions causes the fixation and accumulation of a significant number of natural and man-made chemical elements on the landscape-geochemical barriers (mechanical, redox, acid-alkaline, sorption, sorption-gley). This prevents from intense pollution of the vast majority of landscape regions in the park by polluting substances migrating from agricultural lands, which is confirmed by the results of the analysis of pollution sources and volumes. It was shown, that processes of transformation and migration of heavy metals compounds in the soil profile are determined by physical and chemical properties of soils.The analysis of the content of heavy metals in the soils of NNP “Nyzhniosulskyi” has shown that , the distribution of heavy metals is uniformly dispersive, but the variations in the content of certain heavy metals can range from ± 7% to ± 25%-35%. The greatest bioaccumulation capacity is expressed in biogenic microelements – manganese and cuprum. The analysis of heavy metals content in the landscape regions of NNP “Nyzhniosulskyi” has confirmed its dependence on available sources of technogenic contamination as well as the high degree of compliance of the nature of heavy metals distribution to the general laws of these processes in the soils of the relevant types. Most heavy metals get into the Sulyn aquatorium mainly during spring flood with snow melt water. The excess of Cd2+, Cu2+ and Pb2+ in water has been noted in comparison with the current threshold level value regulations.According to the results of the landscape-geochemical analysis of the NNP “Nyzhniosulskyi”, it can be stated that the territory from the ecological point of view is poorly contaminated and can be used for the development of recreational activities in compliance with a number of requirements.Practical significance. The results of this study have been introduced into practice of the NNP “Nyzhniosulskyi” in organizing and conducting research work, for planning tourist and recreational activities, forming tourist routes, and organizing recreational infrastructure.
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