Methodological fundamentals of the analysis of the macro-environment of enterprises

Keywords: macro-environment analysis, methods of macro-environment analysis, strategic management, agricultural enterprise, SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis (STEP-analysis), QUEST-analysis, TEMPLES-analysis


The external environment is constantly changing, and enterprises must quickly respond to these changes in order to maintain competitiveness and ensure sustainable development. Traditional methods of analyzing the macro environment, such as PEST or SWOT, have certain limitations, in particular, they are focused on assessing the current state and do not always take into account long-term trends and their impact on the company's activities. In this regard, there is a need to develop new methodological approaches that will allow more accurate assessment of the impact of the macro environment on enterprises and forecast changes in the future. This is especially important in the context of instability and globalization, when external factors are becoming more and more unpredictable. The article is aimed at the development and substantiation of new methodological bases for the analysis of the macroenvironment, which determines the relevance of this research.

The purpose of the study is to improve methodological recommendations for the analysis of the macro-environment of enterprises.

In order to achieve the goal, the following research methods were used in the article: generalization and systematization - for grouping the advantages and disadvantages of macroenvironmental analysis methods; expert evaluation - to determine the nature of the influence of the factor, the importance of the factors and their probability of development; TEMPLES - analysis - for a comprehensive analysis of factors affecting the macro environment of agricultural enterprises.

In the scientific article, the following results were obtained: the advantages and disadvantages of macroenvironmental analysis methods were systematized. It was established that traditional methods of analysis are focused mainly on the current state of the environment, which limits their ability to take into account long-term trends and dynamic changes. It was determined that the key shortcomings of these methods are the impossibility of taking into account long-term trends, limitations in assessing the influence of individual factors, as well as difficulties in determining their importance in forming the company's development strategy. To eliminate these shortcomings, the feasibility of using a modified TEMPLES analysis was proven, which allows for an extended assessment of macroenvironmental factors, provides a deeper understanding of the impact of various factors on the enterprise and takes into account their dynamics. The proposed method was tested on the example of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, in particular enterprises of the grain industry. The results showed the possibility of determining the nature of the influence of factors, their importance and the probability of development. The modified technique allows not only to assess the current state of macroenvironmental factors, but also to forecast their dynamics in the future period. This is an important tool for forming the company's development strategy, taking into account possible changes in the external environment. This demonstrates the practical significance of the research and the possibility of application in the real conditions of the functioning of agricultural enterprises.

In order to achieve the goal, the following research methods were used in the article: generalization and systematization - for grouping the advantages and disadvantages of macroenvironmental analysis methods; expert evaluation - to determine the nature of the influence of the factor, the importance of the factors and their probability of development; TEMPLES - analysis - for a comprehensive analysis of factors affecting the macro environment of agricultural enterprises.

In the scientific article, the following results were obtained: the advantages and disadvantages of macroenvironmental analysis methods were systematized. It was established that traditional methods of analysis are focused mainly on the current state of the environment, which limits their ability to take into account long-term trends and dynamic changes. It was determined that the key shortcomings of these methods are the impossibility of taking into account long-term trends, limitations in assessing the influence of individual factors, as well as difficulties in determining their importance in forming the company's development strategy. To eliminate these shortcomings, the feasibility of using a modified TEMPLES analysis was proven, which allows for an extended assessment of macroenvironmental factors, provides a deeper understanding of the impact of various factors on the enterprise and takes into account their dynamics. The proposed method was tested on the example of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, in particular enterprises of the grain industry. The results showed the possibility of determining the nature of the influence of factors, their importance and the probability of development. The modified technique allows not only to assess the current state of macroenvironmental factors, but also to forecast their dynamics in the future period. This is an important tool for forming the company's development strategy, taking into account possible changes in the external environment. This demonstrates the practical significance of the research and the possibility of application in the real conditions of the functioning of agricultural enterprises.


Author Biographies

Olha Balabash , Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Management of Organizations Department

Valentyn Slyvka , Odessa National Economic University

PhD Student


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How to Cite
Balabash , O., & Slyvka , V. (2024). Methodological fundamentals of the analysis of the macro-environment of enterprises. Financial and Credit Systems: Prospects for Development, 3(14), 78-86.
Modern macroeconomic trends and tendencies