Keywords: general secondary education, higher education, continuing education, investments, financing of education


With the rapid development of scientific and technological progress and the formation of new directions of development and optimization of the economy, the education sector needs a particularly rapid response to economic and social changes. Changes in society entail the need for a rapid change in approaches to education management and the effective involvement and use of tangible assets. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the low readiness of most educational institutions to use modern technical means in the educational process. The outdated approach to the management of educational institutions, in particular their financial component, is the cause of inefficient use of funds and, as a consequence, hinders the development of the education sector and society in particular.

The article considers the problem of high-quality material and technical support of institutions and establishments of the education system of Ukraine, the problem of legislative regulation of the functioning of the education sector in the conditions of technical progress and the Covid-19 pandemic. The current state of the network of institutions and establishments of the education system, in particular preschool, general secondary, vocational and higher education, is characterized. The structure and nature of education expenditures in the context of the last three years are described. The article describes the current state of investment in science, technology and innovation. Since the education sector is non-profit in nature and completely dependent on external funding, the issue of logistics of education depends entirely on the public mood and skills of educational managers.

In the process of analyzing the current state of the education sector, the problems of legislative regulation of out-of-school education, including distance education, were revealed.

The need to reform approaches to training and retraining of management staff of the education system, in order to form the latest skills of financial and project management. The need to optimize the network of educational institutions and change approaches to training managers in the education system, and the need to reform approaches to financing education and science and technology, as factors that directly affect the rate of economic growth and development of society as a whole.


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Author Biographies

Ludmila Sytnik, Vasyl`Stus DonNU

Doctor of Economics, Professor department of management and behavioral economics

Kateryna Bisha, Vasyl`Stus DonNU

student of the second (master's) level of higher education department of management and behavioral economics


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How to Cite
Sytnik, L., & Bisha, K. (2021). INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATION: PROBLEMS AND WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION. Financial and Credit Systems: Prospects for Development, 3(3), 57-63.
Management of financial and credit systems and the socio-humanitarian component