Голографiчна модель темної енергiї Калуза-Клейна FRW Реньї в скалярно-тензорнiй теорiї гравiтацiї
This work examines the dark energy phenomenon by studying the Renyi Holographic Dark Energy (RHDE) and pressure-less Dark Matter (DM) within the frame-work of Saez-Ballester (SB) scalar-tensor theory of gravitation(Phys. Lett. A113, 467:1986). To achieve a solution, we consider the viable deceleration parameter (DP), which contributes to the average scale factor a=e(1/γ)[ √ (2γt+c1)], where γ, and c1 are respectively arbitrary, and integration constants. We have derived the field equations of SB scalar-tensor theory of gravity with the help of Kaluza-Klein FRW Universe. We have investigated cosmological parameters namely, DP (q), energy densities (ρM) and (ρR) of DM and RHDE, scalar field (ϕ), and equation of state parameter (ωR). The physical debate of these cosmological parameters are investigated through graphical presentation. Moreover, the stability of the model are studied through squared sound speed (vs2) and the well-known cosmological plane ωR - ω'R and all energy conditions and also, density parameters are analyzed through graphical representation for our model.
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