Підвищення ефективності кремнієвих сонячних елементов шляхом додавання тонких плівок SiO2/TiO2 методом матриці переносу
Thin film silicon solar cells are nowadays the best choice to get electricity due to their low cost compared to the crystalline solar cells. However, thin film silicon solar cells have weak absorption of incident light. To deal with such a weakness and get better efficiency of these cells, an efficient back reflector composed of multilayer thin films (Silver, Silicon dioxide (SiO2) and Titanium dioxide (TiO2)) will be used. The transmitted light from the first silicon layer will be reflected by the next layer, and the reflected light will go back to the first silicon layer. By this way, the absorbance of the silicon solar cell can be increased by an increase in the probability of the light reflection from the SiO2, TiO2 and Ag. The transfer matrix method (TMM) by Matlab program will be used to analyze the results of the reflectance, transmittance and absorbance of the thin film layer and these results can prove the efficiency of the cells by using MATLAB codes.
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