Behaviour of Quark and Strange Quark Matter for Higher Dimensional Bianchi Type -I Universe in f(R,T) Gravity

  • S. Thakre Department of mathematics, Independent junior college, Rural Institute, Amravati, India
  • R.V. Mapari Department of mathematics, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati, India
  • V.A. Thakare Department of Mathematics, Shivaji Science College, Amravati (M.S.), India
Keywords: Quark and Strange quark matter, Bag constant, Higher dimensional Bianchi Type- I universe, f (R, T) gravity


This research paper delves into a thorough examination of the behaviour exhibited by higher dimensional Bianchi Type-I universes, incorporating the presence of quark and strange quark matter within the framework of f(R,T) gravity. The solutions derived for the field equations encompass both exponential volumetric expansion and power law scenarios. Under the exponential expansion model, both the pressure (pq) and energy density (pq) associated with quark matter are initially finite at the inception of cosmic time, gradually diminishing to zero as time progresses towards infinity. Conversely, within the power law model, these parameters start off infinitely large at t = 0, subsequently decreasing to zero as time approaches infinity. Furthermore, an exploration of the physical and geometrical attributes of the model is conducted. Notably, in power law expansion models, the behaviour of strange quark matter mirrors that of quark matter concerning pressure (p) and energy density (ρ). But in exponential expansion model quark pressure and strange quark pressure behave differently. The bag constant emerges as a critical factor influencing the universe's expansion, with observations revealing that both pressure and energy density tend towards the bag constant at large time scales (t→∞). Specifically, the pressure p→ -BC and the energy density ρ→ BC as time approach infinity. The negative pressure sign denotes the universe's expansion during later epochs.


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How to Cite
Thakre, S., Mapari, R., & Thakare, V. (2024). Behaviour of Quark and Strange Quark Matter for Higher Dimensional Bianchi Type -I Universe in f(R,T) Gravity . East European Journal of Physics, (2), 21-35.