Influence of Implantation of Active Metal Ions on the Composition, Emission and Optical Properties of MgO Films

Keywords: Thermal oxidation, Ion implantation, Photoelectron spectroscopy, Quantum yield, Emission efficiency, Yield depth


The composition, electronic structure, emission and optical properties of MgO/Mg films implanted with Ba+ and Na+ ions before and after annealing were studied by using a combination of secondary and photoelectron spectroscopy methods. It has been shown that after ion implantation, amorphous films consisting of Mg – Ba – O, Mg – O, Ba – O compounds, as well as unbound Ba and Mg atoms, are formed in the surface layers. In this case, ej of the surface decreases. It has been determined that the emission efficiency of ion-doped layers is higher than that of MgO layers. Post-implantation annealing at T = 900 K leads to the formation of a homogeneous Mg0.4Ba0.6O film with a thickness of 30 – 35 Å in the case of Ba+ ion implantation. It has been revealed that the photoelectron escape depth l of the three-component film is 1.5 times greater than that of Mg oxide. The main mechanisms of changes in the electronic structure, emission and optical properties of MgO during ion implantation and subsequent annealing have been identified.



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How to Cite
Yusupjonova, M., Tashmukhamedova, D., Umirzakov, B., Pak, S., Saidakhmedova, Z., & Salieva, S. (2025). Influence of Implantation of Active Metal Ions on the Composition, Emission and Optical Properties of MgO Films. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 260-264.