Influence of Electrophysical Parameters of Magnetodielectric Layer on a PCP on Its Electrodynamic Characteristics

Keywords: Magnetodielectric layer, Impedance concept, Surface impedance, Inhomogeneous permeability, Inhomogeneous permittivity, Reflection coefficient


Within the framework of the impedance concept, approximate analytical formulas for the distributed surface impedance of the magnetodielectric layer with the inhomogeneous permeability and permittivity located on a perfectly conducting plane (PCP) for the cases of a quadratic law of changes in electrical parameters along the layer thickness are obtained. A comparative analysis of electromagnetic waves reflection coefficient from this structure for various laws of change of the permeability and permittivity is presented.



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How to Cite
Nesterenko, M. V., Katrich, V. A., Dumin, O. M., & Blinova, N. K. (2024). Influence of Electrophysical Parameters of Magnetodielectric Layer on a PCP on Its Electrodynamic Characteristics. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 405-412.