Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of RF Capacitive Discharge in Carbon Dioxide
In this research, the one-dimensional fluid code SIGLO-rf was used to study the internal parameters of RF capacitive discharge in carbon dioxide, focusing mainly on time-averaged and spatio-temporal distributions of discharge parameters. With the help of this code, in the range of distances between electrodes d = 0.04 – 8 cm, RF frequencies f = 3.89 – 67.8 MHz, and values of carbon dioxide pressure p = 0.1 – 9.9 Torr, averaged over the RF period axial profiles of the density of electrons, positive and negative ions were calculated as well as potential and electric field strength. It is shown that the discharge plasma in CO2 contains electrons, positive ions, as well as negative ions. The negative ions of atomic oxygen are formed by the dissociative attachment of electrons to CO2 molecules. Studies of the spatio-temporal dynamics of plasma parameters (electron density, potential and electric field strength, as well as ionization and attachment rates) in RF capacitive discharge in CO2 showed that during half of the RF period, 1 to 3 ionization bursts are usually observed. They correspond to stochastic heating in the near-electrode sheath and the formation of passive and active double layers near the sheath boundaries. The passive double layer appears in the cathode phase and maintains the discharge plasma. The active layer is formed in the anodic phase and ensures a balance of positive and negative charges escaping to the electrode during the RF period. It was found that when the conditions pd = 2 Torr cm and fd = 27.12 MHz cm are met simultaneously, during half of the RF period, 4 intense ionization peaks are observed: resulting from stochastic heating, passive, active, and additional (auxiliary) double layers. The auxiliary double layer helps bring electrons to the surface of the temporary anode and occurs near its surface inside the near-electrode sheath. Using the similarity law, the conditions for the existence of these 4 ionization peaks in a wide range of RF frequencies, carbon dioxide pressures, and distances between electrodes were verified.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valeriy Lisovskiy, Stanislav Dudin, Amaliya Shakhnazarian, Pavlo Platonov, Vladimir Yegorenkov

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