Noise Load at Urbolandscapes of Pervomaysky, as the Nature Use Conflict

  • Н. В. Максименко V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity
  • І. І. Радіонова V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity
Keywords: landscape-ecological planning, urban landscape, pollution, cartographic model


The peculiarity of landscape-ecological planning (LEP) of urban landscapes is the need to carry out an ecological survey of the territory with the widest possible range of indicators, which increases the objectivity of identifying environmental management conflicts. One of the sources of conflicts in urbollandscapes is noise, the intensity of which varies both during the day and during the week. Purpose of the study is a spatio-temporal estimation of the noise load on the urbolandscape in the Pervomaisky, Kharkov region. Methods. The noise was measured using a Digital Sound Level Meter with spatial reference to GPS coordinates. Results. The total volume of the array of experimental data obtained is 1440, based on the statistical processing of which cartographic models of the spatial distribution of the noise load within the city for four periods (working day and day, morning and noon) were developed. It is established that the noise level within the linear-road landscapes is 65-70 dB, in the residential - 48-55 dB; Protective-recreational and garden-park - 36-44 dB. The maximum noise level is fixed in the joint impact area of industrial and linear-road landscapes - 85 dB, that is the main source of noise in the city of Pervomaisky is transport. Conclusions. The obtained results provide the basis for the next stage of the transmission line - the development of directions for improving the ecological state of linear-road and adjacent landscapes.


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Author Biography

Н. В. Максименко, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity
зав. кафедри моніторингу довкілля та природокористування, канд.геогр. наук, доц.


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How to Cite
Максименко, Н. В., & Радіонова, І. І. (2017). Noise Load at Urbolandscapes of Pervomaysky, as the Nature Use Conflict. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (16), 113-118.