Change Of Distribution The Average Annual Temperature Indian Ocean Surface Under Modern Climate Warming

  • A. V. Holoptsev
  • M. P. Nikiforova
  • Т. А. Zhukova
Keywords: Indian Ocean, distribution, average, anomaly, surface temperature, upwelling, global ocean heat conveyor, cooling, warming, climate


During the modern warming surface temperatures of the Indian Ocean rose steadily, driven by a reduction of its upwelling. In the twenty-first century, a large part of the waters of the ocean in this process appeared opposite trend, that due to the action of the global ocean heat conveyor has already led to a decrease in the flow of heat coming from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic.


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How to Cite
Holoptsev, A. V., Nikiforova, M. P., & ZhukovaТ. А. (1). Change Of Distribution The Average Annual Temperature Indian Ocean Surface Under Modern Climate Warming. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (1054), 34-44. Retrieved from