Ecological infrastructure and its role in sustainable urban development: analysis and perspectives

Keywords: ecological infrastructure,, green-blue infrastructure, sustainable development, urban planning, ecosystem services, urban landscape


Purpose. To systematize and analyze contemporary scientific research and publications on the topic of ecological infrastructure in the context of sustainable urban development. The main goal is to define the concept of "Ecological Infrastructure" and its interrelation with the concept of sustainable development, as well as to identify key sustainable development goals that can be achieved through optimizing ecological infrastructure.

Results. This article explores the significance of ecological infrastructure (EI) for sustainable urban development, various definitions of "ecological infrastructure" and its use in scientific research in Ukraine and globally. The role of EI in reducing cities' impact on climate change and their adaptation to extreme weather conditions is identified. The article examines key components of EI such as green infrastructure (parks, gardens, forests) and blue infrastructure (water bodies), emphasizing their importance in providing ecosystem services and improving residents' quality of life. Global experiences in EI utilization are analyzed, highlighting diverse approaches and practical applications of these concepts in developed countries. It is worth noting that there is rapid development in EI research worldwide, focusing on developing green spaces to support ecological resilience of cities in modern urbanization conditions.

Conclusions. The development and implementation of urban environment projects focused on ecological infrastructure are crucial steps towards achieving sustainable development goals. Key aspect of using the EI concept is to ensure sustainable urban development, and consequently reducing cities' environmental impact, include the organic integration of natural habitats into urbanized areas, design, and implementation of both traditional and innovative approaches to reduce the city's footprint on ecosystems and the environment. Thus, the scope of issues requiring further research on EI includes optimizing its impact on achieving sustainable development goals and engaging with local communities to meet the needs of all population groups.


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Author Biography

Ie. P. Tertytskyi, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody Sqr., 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine

PhD student, Department of Environmental Monitoring and Protected Areas Management


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How to Cite
Tertytskyi, I. P. (2024). Ecological infrastructure and its role in sustainable urban development: analysis and perspectives. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (30), 63-75.